Debussy preludes book 1 program notes debussy

Gerald larner explains how debussy, by defying the rules of. The two final preludes of book i are more lighthearted. The first thing to know about debussys symphonic poem prelude to the. The germanenglish pianist walter morse rummel, a student of leopold godowsky, gave the premiere of the entire second book of preludes in 19 in london. Claude debussy h18621918 by the time he began writing the first book of preludes, claude debussy had established himself as an important and prolific composer having already produced most of the works that history would label masterpieces. Brouillards is the first prelude in debussys second book of preludes and was completed at. Preludes book i by claude debussy recomposed for orchestra. From the start, i imposed myself not to touch the notes debussy had written.

A new album from marcandre hamelin is always cause for celebration. Within the prelude, debussy incorporates several novel pianistic effects to mimic the guitar, such as repeated notes and undulating chords, doing so in similar style to other composers such as. In french literary circles, the style of this period was known as symbolism, a movement that directly inspired debussy both as a composer and as an active cultural participant. Claude debussys painterly preludes the subtle, elusive quality of debussys twentyfour preludes is captured perfectly by pianist paul jacobs, who plays them with a tolling, belllike sound. Debussy was born in 1862 in st germainenlaye, the son of a shopkeeper who was. For 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, bassoon, contrabassoon, 2 horns arr. The next day he wrote to his publisher that the volume was finished, and it was in print as early as 14 april those were the days. Variation 1 features a shockingly spare, single line of melody noodling around.

Puck is shakespeares elf, in all likelihood found by debussy, as roy howat has suggested, in an edition of 1908 with illustrations by arthur rackham. Debussy was born in 1862 in st germainenlaye, the son of a shopkeeper who. Standard notation, introductory text and performance notes does not include words to the songs. Complete preludes, books 1 and 2 dover music for piano debussy, claude on. Pucks aerial acrobatics are first interrupted by and then blended with trumpet and horn calls. Book i was written between december 1909 and february 1910, and book ii between the last months of 1912 and early april 19. Debussys two sets of images, much like ravels miroirs, must count as one of the high pinnacles of pianowriting.

Here in his first debussy recording for hyperion he presents the two books of images. Databases and publications erasmus programme research service. The first performance was given on october 15 of that year in paris. Debussy s music virtually defines the transition from lateromantic music to twentieth century modernist music. This allows performers to choose preludes with which they have the strongest affinity, or those to which their individual interpretive gifts are. As for his piano compositions, after he completed the second book of preludes the only.